Emergent Mind


In this paper, we propose a novel approach to combine \emph{compact directed acyclic word graphs} (CDAWGs) and grammar-based compression. This leads us to an efficient self-index, called Linear-size CDAWGs (L-CDAWGs), which can be represented with $O(\tilde eT \log n)$ bits of space allowing for $O(\log n)$-time random and $O(1)$-time sequential accesses to edge labels, and $O(m \log \sigma + occ)$-time pattern matching. Here, $\tilde eT$ is the number of all extensions of maximal repeats in $T$, $n$ and $m$ are respectively the lengths of the text $T$ and a given pattern, $\sigma$ is the alphabet size, and $occ$ is the number of occurrences of the pattern in $T$. The repetitiveness measure $\tilde eT$ is known to be much smaller than the text length $n$ for highly repetitive text. For constant alphabets, our L-CDAWGs achieve $O(m + occ)$ pattern matching time with $O(eTr \log n)$ bits of space, which improves the pattern matching time of Belazzougui et al.'s run-length BWT-CDAWGs by a factor of $\log \log n$, with the same space complexity. Here, $eTr$ is the number of right extensions of maximal repeats in $T$. As a byproduct, our result gives a way of constructing an SLP of size $O(\tilde eT)$ for a given text $T$ in $O(n + \tilde e_T \log \sigma)$ time.

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