Emergent Mind

GraphH: High Performance Big Graph Analytics in Small Clusters

Published May 16, 2017 in cs.DC


It is common for real-world applications to analyze big graphs using distributed graph processing systems. Popular in-memory systems require an enormous amount of resources to handle big graphs. While several out-of-core approaches have been proposed for processing big graphs on disk, the high disk I/O overhead could significantly reduce performance. In this paper, we propose GraphH to enable high-performance big graph analytics in small clusters. Specifically, we design a two-stage graph partition scheme to evenly divide the input graph into partitions, and propose a GAB (Gather-Apply-Broadcast) computation model to make each worker process a partition in memory at a time. We use an edge cache mechanism to reduce the disk I/O overhead, and design a hybrid strategy to improve the communication performance. GraphH can efficiently process big graphs in small clusters or even a single commodity server. Extensive evaluations have shown that GraphH could be up to 7.8x faster compared to popular in-memory systems, such as Pregel+ and PowerGraph when processing generic graphs, and more than 100x faster than recently proposed out-of-core systems, such as GraphD and Chaos when processing big graphs.

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