Emergent Mind

Incidence Choosability of Graphs

Published May 4, 2017 in cs.DM and math.CO


An incidence of a graph G is a pair (v, e) where v is a vertex of G and e is an edge of G incident with v. Two incidences (v, e) and (w, f) of G are adjacent whenever (i) v = w, or (ii) e = f , or (iii) vw = e or f. An incidence p-colouring of G is a mapping from the set of incidences of G to the set of colours {1,. .. , p} such that every two adjacent incidences receive distinct colours. Incidence colouring has been introduced by Brualdi and Quinn Massey in 1993 and, since then, studied by several authors. In this paper, we introduce and study the list version of incidence colouring. We determine the exact value of -- or upper bounds on -- the incidence choice number of several classes of graphs, namely square grids, Halin graphs, cactuses and Hamiltonian cubic graphs.

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