Emergent Mind


In order to develop provably safe human-in-the-loop systems, accurate and precise models of human behavior must be developed. In the case of intelligent vehicles, one can imagine the need for predicting driver behavior to develop minimally invasive active safety systems or to safely interact with other vehicles on the road. We present a optimization based method for approximating the stochastic reachable set for human-in-the-loop systems. This method identifies the most precise subset of states that a human driven vehicle may enter, given some dataset of observed trajectories. We phrase this problem as a mixed integer linear program, which can be solved using branch and bound methods. The resulting model uncovers the most representative subset that encapsulates the likely trajectories, up to some probability threshold, by optimally rejecting outliers in the dataset. This tool provides set predictions consisting of trajectories observed from the nonlinear dynamics and behaviors of the human driven car, and can account for modes of behavior, like the driver state or intent. This allows us to predict driving behavior over long time horizons with high accuracy. By using this realistic data and flexible algorithm, a precise and accurate driver model can be developed to capture likely behaviors. The resulting prediction can be tailored to an individual for use in semi-autonomous frameworks or generally applied for autonomous planning in interactive maneuvers.

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