Emergent Mind

Safe Trajectory Synthesis for Autonomous Driving in Unforeseen Environments

Published Apr 28, 2017 in cs.SY and cs.RO


Path planning for autonomous vehicles in arbitrary environments requires a guarantee of safety, but this can be impractical to ensure in real-time when the vehicle is described with a high-fidelity model. To address this problem, this paper develops a method to perform trajectory design by considering a low-fidelity model that accounts for model mismatch. The presented method begins by computing a conservative Forward Reachable Set (FRS) of a high-fidelity model's trajectories produced when tracking trajectories of a low-fidelity model over a finite time horizon. At runtime, the vehicle intersects this FRS with obstacles in the environment to eliminate trajectories that can lead to a collision, then selects an optimal plan from the remaining safe set. By bounding the time for this set intersection and subsequent path selection, this paper proves a lower bound for the FRS time horizon and sensing horizon to guarantee safety. This method is demonstrated in simulation using a kinematic Dubin's car as the low-fidelity model and a dynamic unicycle as the high-fidelity model.

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