Emergent Mind

Control Improvisation

Published Apr 20, 2017 in cs.FL


We formalize and analyze a new problem in formal language theory termed control improvisation. Given a specification language, the problem is to produce an improviser, a probabilistic algorithm that randomly generates words in the language, subject to two additional constraints: the satisfaction of a quantitative soft constraint, and the exhibition of a specified amount of randomness. Control improvisation has many applications, including for example systematically generating random test vectors satisfying format constraints or preconditions while being similar to a library of seed inputs. Other applications include robotic surveillance, machine improvisation of music, and randomized variants of the supervisory control problem. We describe a general framework for solving the control improvisation problem, and use it to give efficient algorithms for several practical classes of instances with finite automaton and context-free grammar specifications. We also provide a detailed complexity analysis, establishing #P-hardness of the problem in many other cases. For these intractable cases, we show how symbolic techniques based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers can be used to find approximate solutions. Finally, we discuss an extension of control improvisation to multiple soft constraints that is useful in some applications.

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