Emergent Mind

Settling the query complexity of non-adaptive junta testing

Published Apr 20, 2017 in cs.CC


We prove that any non-adaptive algorithm that tests whether an unknown Boolean function $f: {0, 1}n\to {0, 1}$ is a $k$-junta or $\epsilon$-far from every $k$-junta must make $\widetilde{\Omega}(k{3/2} / \epsilon)$ many queries for a wide range of parameters $k$ and $\epsilon$. Our result dramatically improves previous lower bounds from [BGSMdW13, STW15], and is essentially optimal given Blais's non-adaptive junta tester from [Blais08], which makes $\widetilde{O}(k{3/2})/\epsilon$ queries. Combined with the adaptive tester of [Blais09] which makes $O(k\log k + k /\epsilon)$ queries, our result shows that adaptivity enables polynomial savings in query complexity for junta testing.

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