Emergent Mind


We consider the problem of channel estimation for uplink multiuser massive MIMO systems, where, in order to significantly reduce the hardware cost and power consumption, one-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are used at the base station (BS) to quantize the received signal. Channel estimation for one-bit massive MIMO systems is challenging due to the severe distortion caused by the coarse quantization. It was shown in previous studies that an extremely long training sequence is required to attain an acceptable performance. In this paper, we study the problem of optimal one-bit quantization design for channel estimation in one-bit massive MIMO systems. Our analysis reveals that, if the quantization thresholds are optimally devised, using one-bit ADCs can achieve an estimation error close to (with an increase by a factor of $\pi/2$) that of an ideal estimator which has access to the unquantized data. The optimal quantization thresholds, however, are dependent on the unknown channel parameters. To cope with this difficulty, we propose an adaptive quantization (AQ) approach in which the thresholds are adaptively adjusted in a way such that the thresholds converge to the optimal thresholds, and a random quantization (RQ) scheme which randomly generate a set of nonidentical thresholds based on some statistical prior knowledge of the channel. Simulation results show that, our proposed AQ and RQ schemes, owing to their wisely devised thresholds, present a significant performance improvement over the conventional fixed quantization scheme that uses a fixed (typically zero) threshold, and meanwhile achieve a substantial training overhead reduction for channel estimation. In particular, even with a moderate number of pilot symbols (about 5 times the number of users), the AQ scheme can provide an achievable rate close to that of the perfect channel state information (CSI) case.

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