Emergent Mind

Privacy-Aware Guessing Efficiency

Published Apr 12, 2017 in cs.IT , cs.CR , math.IT , math.ST , and stat.TH


We investigate the problem of guessing a discrete random variable $Y$ under a privacy constraint dictated by another correlated discrete random variable $X$, where both guessing efficiency and privacy are assessed in terms of the probability of correct guessing. We define $h(P{XY}, \epsilon)$ as the maximum probability of correctly guessing $Y$ given an auxiliary random variable $Z$, where the maximization is taken over all $P{Z|Y}$ ensuring that the probability of correctly guessing $X$ given $Z$ does not exceed $\epsilon$. We show that the map $\epsilon\mapsto h(P{XY}, \epsilon)$ is strictly increasing, concave, and piecewise linear, which allows us to derive a closed form expression for $h(P{XY}, \epsilon)$ when $X$ and $Y$ are connected via a binary-input binary-output channel. For $(Xn, Yn)$ being pairs of independent and identically distributed binary random vectors, we similarly define $\underline{h}n(P{XnYn}, \epsilon)$ under the assumption that $Zn$ is also a binary vector. Then we obtain a closed form expression for $\underline{h}n(P{XnYn}, \epsilon)$ for sufficiently large, but nontrivial values of $\epsilon$.

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