Emergent Mind

Weakly-Supervised Spatial Context Networks

Published Apr 10, 2017 in cs.CV


We explore the power of spatial context as a self-supervisory signal for learning visual representations. In particular, we propose spatial context networks that learn to predict a representation of one image patch from another image patch, within the same image, conditioned on their real-valued relative spatial offset. Unlike auto-encoders, that aim to encode and reconstruct original image patches, our network aims to encode and reconstruct intermediate representations of the spatially offset patches. As such, the network learns a spatially conditioned contextual representation. By testing performance with various patch selection mechanisms we show that focusing on object-centric patches is important, and that using object proposal as a patch selection mechanism leads to the highest improvement in performance. Further, unlike auto-encoders, context encoders [21], or other forms of unsupervised feature learning, we illustrate that contextual supervision (with pre-trained model initialization) can improve on existing pre-trained model performance. We build our spatial context networks on top of standard VGG19 and CNNM architectures and, among other things, show that we can achieve improvements (with no additional explicit supervision) over the original ImageNet pre-trained VGG19 and CNNM models in object categorization and detection on VOC2007.

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