Emergent Mind


Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have recently been shown to generate promising results for aesthetics assessment. However, the performance of these deep CNN methods is often compromised by the constraint that the neural network only takes the fixed-size input. To accommodate this requirement, input images need to be transformed via cropping, warping, or padding, which often alter image composition, reduce image resolution, or cause image distortion. Thus the aesthetics of the original images is impaired because of potential loss of fine grained details and holistic image layout. However, such fine grained details and holistic image layout is critical for evaluating an image's aesthetics. In this paper, we present an Adaptive Layout-Aware Multi-Patch Convolutional Neural Network (A-Lamp CNN) architecture for photo aesthetic assessment. This novel scheme is able to accept arbitrary sized images, and learn from both fined grained details and holistic image layout simultaneously. To enable training on these hybrid inputs, we extend the method by developing a dedicated double-subnet neural network structure, i.e. a Multi-Patch subnet and a Layout-Aware subnet. We further construct an aggregation layer to effectively combine the hybrid features from these two subnets. Extensive experiments on the large-scale aesthetics assessment benchmark (AVA) demonstrate significant performance improvement over the state-of-the-art in photo aesthetic assessment.

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