Emergent Mind


Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) (a.k.a. fog computing) has recently emerged to enable low-latency and location-aware data processing at the edge of mobile networks. Since providing grid power supply in support of MEC can be costly and even infeasible in some scenarios, on-site renewable energy is mandated as a major or even sole power supply. Nonetheless, the high intermittency and unpredictability of energy harvesting creates many new challenges of performing effective MEC. In this paper, we develop an algorithm called GLOBE that performs joint geographical load balancing (GLB) and admission control for optimizing the system performance of a network of MEC-enabled and energy harvesting-powered base stations. By leveraging and extending the Lyapunov optimization with perturbation technique, GLOBE operates online without requiring future system information and addresses significant challenges caused by battery state dynamics and energy causality constraints. Moreover, GLOBE works in a distributed manner, which makes our algorithm scalable to large networks. We prove that GLOBE achieves a close-to-optimal system performance compared to the offline algorithm that knows full future information, and present a critical tradeoff between battery capacity and system performance. Simulation results validate our analysis and demonstrate the superior performance of GLOBE compared to benchmark algorithms.

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