Emergent Mind

On the Tree Augmentation Problem

Published Mar 21, 2017 in cs.DS


In the Tree Augmentation problem we are given a tree $T=(V,F)$ and a set $E \subseteq V \times V$ of edges with positive integer costs ${c_e:e \in E}$. The goal is to augment $T$ by a minimum cost edge set $J \subseteq E$ such that $T \cup J$ is $2$-edge-connected. We obtain the following results. Recently, Adjiashvili [SODA 17] introduced a novel LP for the problem and used it to break the $2$-approximation barrier for instances when the maximum cost $M$ of an edge in $E$ is bounded by a constant; his algorithm computes a $1.96418+\epsilon$ approximate solution in time $n{{(M/\epsilon2)}{O(1)}}$. Using a simpler LP, we achieve ratio $\frac{12}{7}+\epsilon$ in time $2{O(M/\epsilon2)} poly(n)$.This gives ratio better than $2$ for logarithmic costs, and not only for constant costs. One of the oldest open questions for the problem is whether for unit costs (when $M=1$) the standard LP-relaxation, so called Cut-LP, has integrality gap less than $2$. We resolve this open question by proving that for unit costs the integrality gap of the Cut-LP is at most $28/15=2-2/15$. In addition, we will prove that another natural LP-relaxation, that is much simpler than the ones in previous work, has integrality gap at most $7/4$.

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