Emergent Mind

Distributed Optimal Vehicle Grid Integration Strategy with User Behavior Prediction

Published Mar 13, 2017 in math.OC and cs.DC


With the increasing of electric vehicle (EV) adoption in recent years, the impact of EV charging activities to the power grid becomes more and more significant. In this article, an optimal scheduling algorithm which combines smart EV charging and V2G gird service is developed to integrate EVs into power grid as distributed energy resources, with improved system cost performance. Specifically, an optimization problem is formulated and solved at each EV charging station according to control signal from aggregated control center and user charging behavior prediction by mean estimation and linear regression. The control center collects distributed optimization results and updates the control signal, periodically. The iteration continues until it converges to optimal scheduling. Experimental result shows this algorithm helps fill the valley and shave the peak in electric load profiles within a microgrid, while the energy demand of individual driver can be satisfied.

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