Emergent Mind

Cellulyzer - Automated analysis and interactive visualization/simulation of select cellular processes

Published Mar 6, 2017 in physics.bio-ph , cs.CV , physics.data-an , and q-bio.SC


Here we report on a set of programs developed at the ZMBH Bio-Imaging Facility for tracking real-life images of cellular processes. These programs perform 1) automated tracking; 2) quantitative and comparative track analyses of different images in different groups; 3) different interactive visualization schemes; and 4) interactive realistic simulation of different cellular processes for validation and optimal problem-specific adjustment of image acquisition parameters (tradeoff between speed, resolution, and quality with feedback from the very final results). The collection of programs is primarily developed for the common bio-image analysis software ImageJ (as a single Java Plugin). Some programs are also available in other languages (C++ and Javascript) and may be run simply with a web-browser; even on a low-end Tablet or Smartphone. The programs are available at https://github.com/nurlicht/CellulyzerDemo

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