Emergent Mind

Outlier Cluster Formation in Spectral Clustering

Published Mar 3, 2017 in cs.CV


Outlier detection and cluster number estimation is an important issue for clustering real data. This paper focuses on spectral clustering, a time-tested clustering method, and reveals its important properties related to outliers. The highlights of this paper are the following two mathematical observations: first, spectral clustering's intrinsic property of an outlier cluster formation, and second, the singularity of an outlier cluster with a valid cluster number. Based on these observations, we designed a function that evaluates clustering and outlier detection results. In experiments, we prepared two scenarios, face clustering in photo album and person re-identification in a camera network. We confirmed that the proposed method detects outliers and estimates the number of clusters properly in both problems. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both the 128-dimensional sparse space for face clustering and the 4,096-dimensional non-sparse space for person re-identification.

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