Emergent Mind

Causal Discovery Using Proxy Variables

Published Feb 23, 2017 in stat.ML and cs.LG


Discovering causal relations is fundamental to reasoning and intelligence. In particular, observational causal discovery algorithms estimate the cause-effect relation between two random entities $X$ and $Y$, given $n$ samples from $P(X,Y)$. In this paper, we develop a framework to estimate the cause-effect relation between two static entities $x$ and $y$: for instance, an art masterpiece $x$ and its fraudulent copy $y$. To this end, we introduce the notion of proxy variables, which allow the construction of a pair of random entities $(A,B)$ from the pair of static entities $(x,y)$. Then, estimating the cause-effect relation between $A$ and $B$ using an observational causal discovery algorithm leads to an estimation of the cause-effect relation between $x$ and $y$. For example, our framework detects the causal relation between unprocessed photographs and their modifications, and orders in time a set of shuffled frames from a video. As our main case study, we introduce a human-elicited dataset of 10,000 pairs of casually-linked pairs of words from natural language. Our methods discover 75% of these causal relations. Finally, we discuss the role of proxy variables in machine learning, as a general tool to incorporate static knowledge into prediction tasks.

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