Emergent Mind

Review of Apriori Based Algorithms on MapReduce Framework

Published Feb 21, 2017 in cs.DB and cs.DC


The Apriori algorithm that mines frequent itemsets is one of the most popular and widely used data mining algorithms. Now days many algorithms have been proposed on parallel and distributed platforms to enhance the performance of Apriori algorithm. They differ from each other on the basis of load balancing technique, memory system, data decomposition technique and data layout used to implement them. The problems with most of the distributed framework are overheads of managing distributed system and lack of high level parallel programming language. Also with grid computing there is always potential chances of node failures which cause multiple re-executions of tasks. These problems can be overcome by the MapReduce framework introduced by Google. MapReduce is an efficient, scalable and simplified programming model for large scale distributed data processing on a large cluster of commodity computers and also used in cloud computing. In this paper, we present the overview of parallel Apriori algorithm implemented on MapReduce framework. They are categorized on the basis of Map and Reduce functions used to implement them e.g. 1-phase vs. k-phase, I/O of Mapper, Combiner and Reducer, using functionality of Combiner inside Mapper etc. This survey discusses and analyzes the various implementations of Apriori on MapReduce framework on the basis of their distinguishing characteristics. Moreover, it also includes the advantages and limitations of MapReduce framework.

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