Emergent Mind


A crucial function for automated vehicle technologies is accurate localization. Lane-level accuracy is not readily available from low-cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers because of factors such as multipath error and atmospheric bias. Approaches such as Differential GNSS can improve localization accuracy, but usually require investment in expensive base stations. Connected vehicle technologies provide an alternative approach to improving the localization accuracy. It will be shown in this paper that localization accuracy can be enhanced using crude GNSS measurements from a group of connected vehicles, by matching their locations to a digital map. A Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF) is used to jointly estimate the common biases of the pseudo-ranges and the vehicle positions. Multipath biases, which introduce receiver-specific (non-common) error, are mitigated by a multi-hypothesis detection-rejection approach. The temporal correlation of the estimations is exploited through the prediction-update process. The proposed approach is compared to existing methods using both simulations and experimental results. It was found that the proposed algorithm can eliminate the common biases and reduce the localization error to below 1 meter under open sky conditions.

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