Emergent Mind

Embeddings of Schatten Norms with Applications to Data Streams

Published Feb 18, 2017 in cs.DS


Given an $n \times d$ matrix $A$, its Schatten-$p$ norm, $p \geq 1$, is defined as $|A|p = \left (\sum{i=1}{\textrm{rank}(A)}\sigma_i(A)p \right ){1/p}$, where $\sigmai(A)$ is the $i$-th largest singular value of $A$. These norms have been studied in functional analysis in the context of non-commutative $\ellp$-spaces, and recently in data stream and linear sketching models of computation. Basic questions on the relations between these norms, such as their embeddability, are still open. Specifically, given a set of matrices $A1, \ldots, A{\operatorname{poly}(nd)} \in \mathbb{R}{n \times d}$, suppose we want to construct a linear map $L$ such that $L(Ai) \in \mathbb{R}{n' \times d'}$ for each $i$, where $n' \leq n$ and $d' \leq d$, and further, $|Ai|_p \leq |L(Ai)|_q \leq D{p,q} |Ai|p$ for a given approximation factor $D{p,q}$ and real number $q \geq 1$. Then how large do $n'$ and $d'$ need to be as a function of $D{p,q}$? We nearly resolve this question for every $p, q \geq 1$, for the case where $L(Ai)$ can be expressed as $R \cdot Ai \cdot S$, where $R$ and $S$ are arbitrary matrices that are allowed to depend on $A1, \ldots, At$, that is, $L(Ai)$ can be implemented by left and right matrix multiplication. Namely, for every $p, q \geq 1$, we provide nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the size of $n'$ and $d'$ as a function of $D_{p,q}$. Importantly, our upper bounds are {\it oblivious}, meaning that $R$ and $S$ do not depend on the $Ai$, while our lower bounds hold even if $R$ and $S$ depend on the $Ai$. As an application of our upper bounds, we answer a recent open question of Blasiok et al. about space-approximation trade-offs for the Schatten $1$-norm, showing in a data stream it is possible to estimate the Schatten-$1$ norm up to a factor of $D \geq 1$ using $\tilde{O}(\min(n,d)2/D4)$ space.

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