Emergent Mind

Polar codes with a stepped boundary

Published Feb 16, 2017 in cs.IT and math.IT


We consider explicit polar constructions of blocklength $n\rightarrow\infty$ for the two extreme cases of code rates $R\rightarrow1$ and $R\rightarrow0.$ For code rates $R\rightarrow1,$ we design codes with complexity order of $n\log n$ in code construction, encoding, and decoding. These codes achieve the vanishing output bit error rates on the binary symmetric channels with any transition error probability $p\rightarrow 0$ and perform this task with a substantially smaller redundancy $(1-R)n$ than do other known high-rate codes, such as BCH codes or Reed-Muller (RM). We then extend our design to the low-rate codes that achieve the vanishing output error rates with the same complexity order of $n\log n$ and an asymptotically optimal code rate $R\rightarrow0$ for the case of $p\rightarrow1/2.$

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