Emergent Mind

Exploiting PUF Models for Error Free Response Generation

Published Jan 28, 2017 in cs.CR


Physical unclonable functions (PUF) extract secrets from randomness inherent in manufacturing processes. PUFs are utilized for basic cryptographic tasks such as authentication and key generation, and more recently, to realize key exchange and bit commitment requiring a large number of error free responses from a strong PUF. We propose an approach to eliminate the need to implement expensive on-chip error correction logic implementation and the associated helper data storage to reconcile naturally noisy PUF responses. In particular, we exploit a statistical model of an Arbiter PUF (APUF) constructed under the nominal operating condition during the challenge response enrollment phase by a trusted party to judiciously select challenges that yield error-free responses even across a wide operating conditions, specifically, a $ \pm 20\% $ supply voltage variation and a $ 40{\crc} $ temperature variation. We validate our approach using measurements from two APUF datasets. Experimental results indicate that large number of error-free responses can be generated on demand under worst-case when PUF response error rate is up to 16.68\%.

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