Emergent Mind

On the Performance of Practical Ultra-Dense Networks: The Major and Minor Factors

Published Jan 27, 2017 in cs.NI , cs.IT , and math.IT


In this paper, we conduct performance evaluation for Ultra-Dense Networks (UDNs), and identify which modelling factors play major roles and minor roles. From our study, we draw the following conclusions. First, there are 3 factors/models that have a major impact on the performance of UDNs, and they should be considered when performing theoretical analyses: i) a multi-piece path loss model with line-of-sight (LoS) and non-lineof- sight (NLoS) transmissions; ii) a non-zero antenna height difference between base stations (BSs) and user equipments (UEs); iii) a finite BS/UE density. Second, there are 4 factors/models that have a minor impact on the performance of UDNs, i.e., changing the results quantitatively but not qualitatively, and thus their incorporation into theoretical analyses is less urgent: i) a general multi-path fading model based on Rician fading; ii) a correlated shadow fading model; iii) a BS density dependent transmission power; iv) a deterministic BS/user density. Finally, there are 5 factors/models for future study: i) a BS vertical antenna pattern; ii) multi-antenna and/or multi-BS joint transmissions; iii) a proportional fair BS scheduler; iv) a non-uniform distribution of BSs; v) a dynamic time division duplex (TDD) or full duplex (FD) network. Our conclusions can guide researchers to downselect the assumptions in their theoretical analyses, so as to avoid unnecessarily complicated results, while still capturing the fundamentals of UDNs in a meaningful way.

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