Emergent Mind

Random walks on activity-driven networks with attractiveness

Published Jan 23, 2017 in physics.soc-ph , cond-mat.stat-mech , and cs.SI


Virtually all real-world networks are dynamical entities. In social networks, the propensity of nodes to engage in social interactions (activity) and their chances to be selected by active nodes (attractiveness) are heterogeneously distributed. Here, we present a time-varying network model where each node and the dynamical formation of ties are characterised by these two features. We study how these properties affect random walk processes unfolding on the network when the time scales describing the process and the network evolution are comparable. We derive analytical solutions for the stationary state and the mean first passage time of the process and we study cases informed by empirical observations of social networks. Our work shows that previously disregarded properties of real social systems such heterogeneous distributions of activity and attractiveness as well as the correlations between them, substantially affect the dynamical process unfolding on the network.

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