Emergent Mind

Achieving Privacy in the Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit

Published Jan 16, 2017 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CR


In this paper, we improve the previously best known regret bound to achieve $\epsilon$-differential privacy in oblivious adversarial bandits from $\mathcal{O}{(T{2/3}/\epsilon)}$ to $\mathcal{O}{(\sqrt{T} \ln T /\epsilon)}$. This is achieved by combining a Laplace Mechanism with EXP3. We show that though EXP3 is already differentially private, it leaks a linear amount of information in $T$. However, we can improve this privacy by relying on its intrinsic exponential mechanism for selecting actions. This allows us to reach $\mathcal{O}{(\sqrt{\ln T})}$-DP, with a regret of $\mathcal{O}{(T{2/3})}$ that holds against an adaptive adversary, an improvement from the best known of $\mathcal{O}{(T{3/4})}$. This is done by using an algorithm that run EXP3 in a mini-batch loop. Finally, we run experiments that clearly demonstrate the validity of our theoretical analysis.

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