Emergent Mind

Truncation-free Hybrid Inference for DPMM

Published Jan 13, 2017 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Dirichlet process mixture models (DPMM) are a cornerstone of Bayesian non-parametrics. While these models free from choosing the number of components a-priori, computationally attractive variational inference often reintroduces the need to do so, via a truncation on the variational distribution. In this paper we present a truncation-free hybrid inference for DPMM, combining the advantages of sampling-based MCMC and variational methods. The proposed hybridization enables more efficient variational updates, while increasing model complexity only if needed. We evaluate the properties of the hybrid updates and their empirical performance in single- as well as mixed-membership models. Our method is easy to implement and performs favorably compared to existing schemas.

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