Emergent Mind

How to Quantize $n$ Outputs of a Binary Symmetric Channel to $n-1$ Bits?

Published Jan 11, 2017 in cs.IT and math.IT


Suppose that $Yn$ is obtained by observing a uniform Bernoulli random vector $Xn$ through a binary symmetric channel with crossover probability $\alpha$. The "most informative Boolean function" conjecture postulates that the maximal mutual information between $Yn$ and any Boolean function $\mathrm{b}(Xn)$ is attained by a dictator function. In this paper, we consider the "complementary" case in which the Boolean function is replaced by $f:\left{0,1\right}n\to\left{0,1\right}{n-1}$, namely, an $n-1$ bit quantizer, and show that $I(f(Xn);Yn)\leq (n-1)\cdot\left(1-h(\alpha)\right)$ for any such $f$. Thus, in this case, the optimal function is of the form $f(xn)=(x1,\ldots,x{n-1})$.

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