Emergent Mind

Vertical perimeter versus horizontal perimeter

Published Jan 3, 2017 in math.MG , cs.DS , math.CA , math.CO , and math.FA


The discrete Heisenberg group $\mathbb{H}{\mathbb{Z}}{2k+1}$ is the group generated by $a1,b1,\ldots,ak,bk,c$, subject to the relations $[a1,b1]=\ldots=[ak,bk]=c$ and $[ai,aj]=[bi,bj]=[ai,bj]=[ai,c]=[bi,c]=1$ for every distinct $i,j\in {1,\ldots,k}$. Denote $S={a1{\pm 1},b1{\pm 1},\ldots,ak{\pm 1},bk{\pm 1}}$. The horizontal boundary of $\Omega\subset \mathbb{H}{\mathbb{Z}}{2k+1}$, denoted $\partial{h}\Omega$, is the set of all $(x,y)\in \Omega\times (\mathbb{H}{\mathbb{Z}}{2k+1}\setminus \Omega)$ such that $x{-1}y\in S$. The horizontal perimeter of $\Omega$ is $|\partial{h}\Omega|$. For $t\in \mathbb{N}$, define $\partialt{v} \Omega$ to be the set of all $(x,y)\in \Omega\times (\mathbb{H}{\mathsf{Z}}{2k+1}\setminus \Omega)$ such that $x{-1}y\in {ct,c{-t}}$. The vertical perimeter of $\Omega$ is defined by $|\partial{v}\Omega|= \sqrt{\sum{t=1}\infty |\partialt{v}\Omega|2/t2}$. It is shown here that if $k\ge 2$, then $|\partial{v}\Omega|\lesssim \frac{1}{k} |\partial{h}\Omega|$. The proof of this "vertical versus horizontal isoperimetric inequality" uses a new structural result that decomposes sets of finite perimeter in the Heisenberg group into pieces that admit an "intrinsic corona decomposition." This allows one to deduce an endpoint $W{1,1}\to L2(L1)$ boundedness of a certain singular integral operator from a corresponding lower-dimensional $W{1,2}\to L2(L2)$ boundedness. The above inequality has several applications, including that any embedding into $L1$ of a ball of radius $n$ in the word metric on $\mathbb{H}{\mathbb{Z}}{5}$ incurs bi-Lipschitz distortion that is at least a constant multiple of $\sqrt{\log n}$. It follows that the integrality gap of the Goemans--Linial semidefinite program for the Sparsest Cut Problem on inputs of size $n$ is at least a constant multiple of $\sqrt{\log n}$.

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