Emergent Mind


Clustering is a classic topic in optimization with $k$-means being one of the most fundamental such problems. In the absence of any restrictions on the input, the best known algorithm for $k$-means with a provable guarantee is a simple local search heuristic yielding an approximation guarantee of $9+\epsilon$, a ratio that is known to be tight with respect to such methods. We overcome this barrier by presenting a new primal-dual approach that allows us to (1) exploit the geometric structure of $k$-means and (2) to satisfy the hard constraint that at most $k$ clusters are selected without deteriorating the approximation guarantee. Our main result is a $6.357$-approximation algorithm with respect to the standard LP relaxation. Our techniques are quite general and we also show improved guarantees for the general version of $k$-means where the underlying metric is not required to be Euclidean and for $k$-median in Euclidean metrics.

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