Emergent Mind

Autonomous Localization and Mapping Using a Single Mobile Device

Published Dec 17, 2016 in cs.RO


This paper considers the problem of simultaneous 2-D room shape reconstruction and self-localization without the requirement of any pre-established infrastructure. A mobile device equipped with co-located microphone and loudspeaker as well as internal motion sensors is used to emit acoustic pulses and collect echoes reflected by the walls. Using only first order echoes, room shape recovery and self-localization is feasible when auxiliary information is obtained using motion sensors. In particular, it is established that using echoes collected at three measurement locations and the two distances between consecutive measurement points, unique localization and mapping can be achieved provided that the three measurement points are not collinear. Practical algorithms for room shape reconstruction and self-localization in the presence of noise and higher order echoes are proposed along with experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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