Emergent Mind

Robust Multiplication-based Tests for Reed-Muller Codes

Published Dec 9, 2016 in cs.CC


We consider the following multiplication-based tests to check if a given function $f: \mathbb{F}qn\to \mathbb{F}q$ is a codeword of the Reed-Muller code of dimension $n$ and order $d$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}q$ for prime $q$ (i.e., $f$ is the evaluation of a degree-$d$ polynomial over $\mathbb{F}q$ for $q$ prime). * $\mathrm{Test}{e,k}$: Pick $P1,\ldots,Pk$ independent random degree-$e$ polynomials and accept iff the function $fP1\cdots Pk$ is the evaluation of a degree-$(d+ek)$ polynomial (i.e., is a codeword of the Reed-Muller code of dimension $n$ and order $(d+ek)$). We prove the robust soundness of the above tests for large values of $e$, answering a question of Dinur and Guruswami [Israel Journal of Mathematics, 209:611-649, 2015]. Previous soundness analyses of these tests were known only for the case when either $e=1$ or $k=1$. Even for the case $k=1$ and $e>1$, earlier soundness analyses were not robust. We also analyze a derandomized version of this test, where (for example) the polynomials $P1,\dots,Pk$ can be the same random polynomial $P$. This generalizes a result of Guruswami et al. [SIAM J. Comput., 46(1):132-159, 2017]. One of the key ingredients that go into the proof of this robust soundness is an extension of the standard Schwartz-Zippel lemma over general finite fields $\mathbb{F}q$, which may be of independent interest.

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