Emergent Mind

A constructive algorithm for the LLL on permutations

Published Dec 8, 2016 in cs.DS and math.CO


While there has been significant progress on algorithmic aspects of the Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma (LLL) in recent years, a noteworthy exception is when the LLL is used in the context of random permutations. The breakthrough algorithm of Moser & Tardos only works in the setting of independent variables, and does not apply in this context. We resolve this by developing a randomized polynomial-time algorithm for such applications. A noteworthy application is for Latin transversals: the best-known general result here (Bissacot et al., improving on Erd\H{o}s and Spencer), states that any $n \times n$ matrix in which each entry appears at most $(27/256)n$ times, has a Latin transversal. We present the first polynomial-time algorithm to construct such a transversal. We also develop RNC algorithms for Latin transversals, rainbow Hamiltonian cycles, strong chromatic number, and hypergraph packing. In addition to efficiently finding a configuration which avoids bad-events, the algorithm of Moser & Tardos has many powerful extensions and properties. These include a well-characterized distribution on the output distribution, parallel algorithms, and a partial resampling variant. We show that our algorithm has nearly all of the same useful properties as the Moser-Tardos algorithm, and present a comparison of this aspect with recent works on the LLL in general probability spaces.

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