Emergent Mind

Eldan's Stochastic Localization and the KLS Conjecture: Isoperimetry, Concentration and Mixing

Published Dec 5, 2016 in math.FA , cs.CG , cs.DS , math.MG , and math.PR


We show that the Cheeger constant for $n$-dimensional isotropic logconcave measures is $O(n{1/4})$, improving on the previous best bound of $O(n{1/3}\sqrt{\log n}).$ As corollaries we obtain the same improved bound on the thin-shell estimate, Poincar\'{e} constant and Lipschitz concentration constant and an alternative proof of this bound for the isotropic (slicing) constant; it also follows that the ball walk for sampling from an isotropic logconcave density in ${\bf R}{n}$ converges in $O{*}(n{2.5})$ steps from a warm start. The proof is based on gradually transforming any logconcave density to one that has a significant Gaussian factor via a Martingale process. Extending this proof technique, we prove that the log-Sobolev constant of any isotropic logconcave density in ${\bf R}{n}$ with support of diameter $D$ is $\Omega(1/D)$, resolving a question posed by Frieze and Kannan in 1997. This is asymptotically the best possible estimate and improves on the previous bound of $\Omega(1/D{2})$ by Kannan-Lov\'{a}sz-Montenegro. It follows that for any isotropic logconcave density, the ball walk with step size $\delta=\Theta(1/\sqrt{n})$ mixes in $O\left(n{2}D\right)$ proper steps from \emph{any }starting point. This improves on the previous best bound of $O(n{2}D{2})$ and is also asymptotically tight. The new bound leads to the following large deviation inequality for an $L$-Lipschitz function $g$ over an isotropic logconcave density $p$: for any $t>0$, [ Pr_{x\sim p}\left(\left|g(x)-\bar{g}\right|\geq L\cdot t\right)\leq\exp(-\frac{c\cdot t{2}}{t+\sqrt{n}}) ] where $\bar{g}$ is the median or mean of $g$ for $x\sim p$; this generalizes and improves on previous bounds by Paouris and by Guedon-Milman. The technique also bounds the ``small ball'' probability in terms of the Cheeger constant, and recovers the current best bound.

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