Emergent Mind


We construct an infinite family of two-Lee-weight and three-Lee-weight codes over the non-chain ring $\mathbb{F}p+u\mathbb{F}p+v\mathbb{F}p+uv\mathbb{F}p,$ where $u2=0,v2=0,uv=vu.$ These codes are defined as trace codes. They have the algebraic structure of abelian codes. Their Lee weight distribution is computed by using Gauss sums. With a linear Gray map, we obtain a class of abelian three-weight codes and two-weight codes over $\mathbb{F}_p$. In particular, the two-weight codes we describe are shown to be optimal by application of the Griesmer bound. We also discuss their dual Lee distance. Finally, an application to secret sharing schemes is given.

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