Emergent Mind


Recurrent neural network (RNN), as a powerful contextual dependency modeling framework, has been widely applied to scene labeling problems. However, this work shows that directly applying traditional RNN architectures, which unfolds a 2D lattice grid into a sequence, is not sufficient to model structure dependencies in images due to the "impact vanishing" problem. First, we give an empirical analysis about the "impact vanishing" problem. Then, a new RNN unit named Recurrent Neural Network with explicit long range conditioning (RNN-ELC) is designed to alleviate this problem. A novel neural network architecture is built for scene labeling tasks where one of the variants of the new RNN unit, Gated Recurrent Unit with Explicit Long-range Conditioning (GRU-ELC), is used to model multi scale contextual dependencies in images. We validate the use of GRU-ELC units with state-of-the-art performance on three standard scene labeling datasets. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the new GRU-ELC unit benefits scene labeling problem a lot as it can encode longer contextual dependencies in images more effectively than traditional RNN units.

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