Emergent Mind

Characterizing Polytopes Contained in the $0/1$-Cube with Bounded Chvátal-Gomory Rank

Published Nov 20, 2016 in math.OC , cs.CC , and cs.DM


Let $S \subseteq {0,1}n$ and $R$ be any polytope contained in $[0,1]n$ with $R \cap {0,1}n = S$. We prove that $R$ has bounded Chv\'atal-Gomory rank (CG-rank) provided that $S$ has bounded notch and bounded gap, where the notch is the minimum integer $p$ such that all $p$-dimensional faces of the $0/1$-cube have a nonempty intersection with $S$, and the gap is a measure of the size of the facet coefficients of $\mathsf{conv}(S)$. Let $H[\bar{S}]$ denote the subgraph of the $n$-cube induced by the vertices not in $S$. We prove that if $H[\bar{S}]$ does not contain a subdivision of a large complete graph, then both the notch and the gap are bounded. By our main result, this implies that the CG-rank of $R$ is bounded as a function of the treewidth of $H[\bar{S}]$. We also prove that if $S$ has notch $3$, then the CG-rank of $R$ is always bounded. Both results generalize a recent theorem of Cornu\'ejols and Lee, who proved that the CG-rank is bounded by a constant if the treewidth of $H[\bar{S}]$ is at most $2$.

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