Emergent Mind

A lower bound on the zero forcing number

Published Nov 20, 2016 in math.CO and cs.DM


In this note, we study a dynamic vertex coloring for a graph $G$. In particular, one starts with a certain set of vertices black, and all other vertices white. Then, at each time step, a black vertex with exactly one white neighbor forces its white neighbor to become black. The initial set of black vertices is called a \emph{zero forcing set} if by iterating this process, all of the vertices in $G$ become black. The \emph{zero forcing number} of $G$ is the minimum cardinality of a zero forcing set in $G$, and is denoted by $Z(G)$. Davila and Kenter have conjectured in 2015 that $Z(G)\geq (g-3)(\delta-2)+\delta$ where $g$ and $\delta$ denote the girth and the minimum degree of $G$, respectively. This conjecture has been proven for graphs with girth $g \leq 10$. In this note, we present a proof for $g \geq 5$, $\delta \geq 2$, thereby settling the conjecture.

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