Emergent Mind


Being able to predict the neural signal in the near future from the current and previous observations has the potential to enable real-time responsive brain stimulation to suppress seizures. We have investigated how to use an auto-encoder model consisting of LSTM cells for such prediction. Recog- nizing that there exist multiple activity pattern clusters, we have further explored to train an ensemble of LSTM mod- els so that each model can specialize in modeling certain neural activities, without explicitly clustering the training data. We train the ensemble using an ensemble-awareness loss, which jointly solves the model assignment problem and the error minimization problem. During training, for each training sequence, only the model that has the lowest recon- struction and prediction error is updated. Intrinsically such a loss function enables each LTSM model to be adapted to a subset of the training sequences that share similar dynamic behavior. We demonstrate this can be trained in an end- to-end manner and achieve significant accuracy in neural activity prediction.

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