Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present a complete system for on-device passive monitoring, collection, and analysis of fine grained, large-scale packet measurements from mobile devices. First, we describe the design and implementation of AntMonitor as a userspace mobile app based on a VPN-service but only on the device (without the need to route through a remote VPN server) and using only the minimum resources required. We evaluate our prototype and show that it significantly outperforms prior state-of-the-art approaches: it achieves throughput of over 90 Mbps downlink and 65 Mbps uplink, which is 2x and 8x faster than mobile-only baselines and is 94% of the throughput without VPN, while using 2-12x less energy. Second, we show that AntMonitor is uniquely positioned to serve as a platform for passive on-device mobile network monitoring and to enable a number of applications, including: (i) real-time detection and prevention of private information leakage from the device to the network; (ii) passive network performance monitoring; and (iii) application classification and user profiling. We showcase preliminary results from a pilot user study at a university campus.

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