Emergent Mind

Accelerated Methods for Non-Convex Optimization

Published Nov 2, 2016 in math.OC and cs.DS


We present an accelerated gradient method for non-convex optimization problems with Lipschitz continuous first and second derivatives. The method requires time $O(\epsilon{-7/4} \log(1/ \epsilon) )$ to find an $\epsilon$-stationary point, meaning a point $x$ such that $|\nabla f(x)| \le \epsilon$. The method improves upon the $O(\epsilon{-2} )$ complexity of gradient descent and provides the additional second-order guarantee that $\nabla2 f(x) \succeq -O(\epsilon{1/2})I$ for the computed $x$. Furthermore, our method is Hessian free, i.e. it only requires gradient computations, and is therefore suitable for large scale applications.

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