Emergent Mind

Persistence Diagrams as Diagrams: A Categorification of the Stability Theorem

Published Oct 31, 2016 in math.AT , cs.CG , and math.CT


Persistent homology, a central tool of topological data analysis, provides invariants of data called barcodes (also known as persistence diagrams). A barcode is simply a multiset of real intervals. Recent work of Edelsbrunner, Jablonski, and Mrozek suggests an equivalent description of barcodes as functors R -> Mch, where R is the poset category of real numbers and Mch is the category whose objects are sets and whose morphisms are matchings (i.e., partial injective functions). Such functors form a category MchR whose morphisms are the natural transformations. Thus, this interpretation of barcodes gives us a hitherto unstudied categorical structure on barcodes. The aim of this note is to show that this categorical structure leads to surprisingly simple reformulations of both the well-known stability theorem for persistent homology and a recent generalization called the induced matching theorem.

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