Emergent Mind

Lower Bounds on Davenport-Schinzel Sequences via Rectangular Zarankiewicz Matrices

Published Oct 31, 2016 in math.CO , cs.CG , and cs.DM


An order-$s$ Davenport-Schinzel sequence over an $n$-letter alphabet is one avoiding immediate repetitions and alternating subsequences with length $s+2$. The main problem is to determine the maximum length of such a sequence, as a function of $n$ and $s$. When $s$ is fixed this problem has been settled but when $s$ is a function of $n$, very little is known about the extremal function $\lambda(s,n)$ of such sequences. In this paper we give a new recursive construction of Davenport-Schinzel sequences that is based on dense 0-1 matrices avoiding large all-1 submatrices (aka Zarankiewicz's Problem.) In particular, we give a simple construction of $n{2/t} \times n$ matrices containing $n{1+1/t}$ 1s that avoid $t\times 2$ all-1 submatrices. Our lower bounds on $\lambda(s,n)$ exhibit three qualitatively different behaviors depending on the size of $s$ relative to $n$. When $s \le \log\log n$ we show that $\lambda(s,n)/n \ge 2s$ grows exponentially with $s$. When $s = n{o(1)}$ we show $\lambda(s,n)/n \ge (\frac{s}{2\log\logs n}){\log\logs n}$ grows faster than any polynomial in $s$. Finally, when $s=\Omega(n{1/t}(t-1)!)$, $\lambda(s,n) = \Omega(n2 s/(t-1)!)$ matches the trivial upper bound $O(n2s)$ asymptotically, whenever $t$ is constant.

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