Emergent Mind

Nonlinear Adaptive Algorithms on Rank-One Tensor Models

Published Oct 24, 2016 in cs.SY and cs.LG


This work proposes a low complexity nonlinearity model and develops adaptive algorithms over it. The model is based on the decomposableor rank-one, in tensor languageVolterra kernels. It may also be described as a product of FIR filters, which explains its low-complexity. The rank-one model is also interesting because it comes from a well-posed problem in approximation theory. The paper uses such model in an estimation theory context to develop an exact gradient-type algorithm, from which adaptive algorithms such as the least mean squares (LMS) filter and its data-reuse versionthe TRUE-LMSare derived. Stability and convergence issues are addressed. The algorithms are then tested in simulations, which show its good performance when compared to other nonlinear processing algorithms in the literature.

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