Emergent Mind


Recently it has been established that asymptotic incoherence can be used to facilitate subsampling, in order to optimize reconstruction quality, in a variety of continuous compressed sensing problems, and the coherence structure of certain one-dimensional Fourier sampling problems was determined. This paper extends the analysis of asymptotic incoherence to cover multidimensional reconstruction problems. It is shown that Fourier sampling and separable wavelet sparsity in any dimension can yield the same optimal asymptotic incoherence as in one dimensional case. Moreover in two dimensions the coherence structure is compatible with many standard two dimensional sampling schemes that are currently in use. However, in higher dimensional problems with poor wavelet smoothness we demonstrate that there are considerable restrictions on how one can subsample from the Fourier basis with optimal incoherence. This can be remedied by using a sufficiently smooth generating wavelet. It is also shown that using tensor bases will always provide suboptimal decay marred by problems associated with dimensionality. The impact of asymptotic incoherence on the ability to subsample is demonstrated with some simple two dimensional numerical experiments.

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