Emergent Mind

Bridging Neural Machine Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries

Published Oct 24, 2016 in cs.CL


Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has become the new state-of-the-art in several language pairs. However, it remains a challenging problem how to integrate NMT with a bilingual dictionary which mainly contains words rarely or never seen in the bilingual training data. In this paper, we propose two methods to bridge NMT and the bilingual dictionaries. The core idea behind is to design novel models that transform the bilingual dictionaries into adequate sentence pairs, so that NMT can distil latent bilingual mappings from the ample and repetitive phenomena. One method leverages a mixed word/character model and the other attempts at synthesizing parallel sentences guaranteeing massive occurrence of the translation lexicon. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed methods can remarkably improve the translation quality, and most of the rare words in the test sentences can obtain correct translations if they are covered by the dictionary.

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