Emergent Mind

Translation Quality Estimation using Recurrent Neural Network

Published Oct 16, 2016 in cs.CL


This paper describes our submission to the shared task on word/phrase level Quality Estimation (QE) in the First Conference on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT16). The objective of the shared task was to predict if the given word/phrase is a correct/incorrect (OK/BAD) translation in the given sentence. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for word level Quality Estimation using Recurrent Neural Network Language Model (RNN-LM) architecture. RNN-LMs have been found very effective in different NLP applications. RNN-LM is mainly used for vector space language modeling for different NLP problems. For this task, we modify the architecture of RNN-LM. The modified system predicts a label (OK/BAD) in the slot rather than predicting the word. The input to the system is a word sequence, similar to the standard RNN-LM. The approach is language independent and requires only the translated text for QE. To estimate the phrase level quality, we use the output of the word level QE system.

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