Emergent Mind

Situational Awareness by Risk-Conscious Skills

Published Oct 10, 2016 in cs.AI


Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning has been previously shown to speed up the convergence rate of RL planning algorithms as well as mitigate feature-based model misspecification (Mankowitz et. al. 2016a,b, Bacon 2015). To do so, it utilizes hierarchical abstractions, also known as skills -- a type of temporally extended action (Sutton et. al. 1999) to plan at a higher level, abstracting away from the lower-level details. We incorporate risk sensitivity, also referred to as Situational Awareness (SA), into hierarchical RL for the first time by defining and learning risk aware skills in a Probabilistic Goal Semi-Markov Decision Process (PG-SMDP). This is achieved using our novel Situational Awareness by Risk-Conscious Skills (SARiCoS) algorithm which comes with a theoretical convergence guarantee. We show in a RoboCup soccer domain that the learned risk aware skills exhibit complex human behaviors such as `time-wasting' in a soccer game. In addition, the learned risk aware skills are able to mitigate reward-based model misspecification.

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