Emergent Mind


Hashing method maps similar data to binary hashcodes with smaller hamming distance, and it has received a broad attention due to its low storage cost and fast retrieval speed. However, the existing limitations make the present algorithms difficult to deal with large-scale datasets: (1) discrete constraints are involved in the learning of the hash function; (2) pairwise or triplet similarity is adopted to generate efficient hashcodes, resulting both time and space complexity are greater than O(n2). To address these issues, we propose a novel discrete supervised hash learning framework which can be scalable to large-scale datasets. First, the discrete learning procedure is decomposed into a binary classifier learning scheme and binary codes learning scheme, which makes the learning procedure more efficient. Second, we adopt the Asymmetric Low-rank Matrix Factorization and propose the Fast Clustering-based Batch Coordinate Descent method, such that the time and space complexity is reduced to O(n). The proposed framework also provides a flexible paradigm to incorporate with arbitrary hash function, including deep neural networks and kernel methods. Experiments on large-scale datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is superior or comparable with state-of-the-art hashing algorithms.

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