Emergent Mind


This paper addresses the problem of learning optimal policies for satisfying signal temporal logic (STL) specifications by agents with unknown stochastic dynamics. The system is modeled as a Markov decision process, in which the states represent partitions of a continuous space and the transition probabilities are unknown. We formulate two synthesis problems where the desired STL specification is enforced by maximizing the probability of satisfaction, and the expected robustness degree, that is, a measure quantifying the quality of satisfaction. We discuss that Q-learning is not directly applicable to these problems because, based on the quantitative semantics of STL, the probability of satisfaction and expected robustness degree are not in the standard objective form of Q-learning. To resolve this issue, we propose an approximation of STL synthesis problems that can be solved via Q-learning, and we derive some performance bounds for the policies obtained by the approximate approach. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated via simulations.

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