Emergent Mind


In this paper we present a set of projection-based designs for constructing simplified linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controllers for large-scale network systems. When such systems have tens of thousands of states, the design of conventional LQR controllers becomes numerically challenging, and their implementation requires a large number of communication links. Our proposed algorithms bypass these difficulties by clustering the system states using structural properties of its closed-loop transfer matrix. The assignment of clusters is defined through a structured projection matrix P, which leads to a significantly lower-dimensional LQR design. The reduced-order controller is finally projected back to the original coordinates via an inverse projection. The problem is, therefore, posed as a model matching problem of finding the optimal set of clusters or P that minimizes the H2-norm of the error between the transfer matrix of the full-order network with the full-order LQR and that with the projected LQR. We derive a tractable relaxation for this model matching problem, and design a P that solves the relaxation. The design is shown to be implementable by a convenient, hierarchical two-layer control architecture, requiring far less number of communication links than full-order LQR.

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